Peace to whom ever is the reader. I come to you today on this Divine, day of Wisdom, Culture and Freedom to give you some wise word and my experience with Victory. Victory by definition is: noun. A success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war. That’s just one definition, b.u.t let’s take a look at just this one and break it down. Now what is Success? To me this is just plain and simple to be in a process of growth and development. It can be ceen as just completing a simple or hard task one needed to do. For me one thing that I needed to have success over was living in the devil’s un-civilization, which was for me getting sucked into drugs and savage behaviors. We may touch on this again later. What does Over mean in regards to this build. I cee it as being able to Overcome an obstacle in life that may be stunting your growth. To be over it is to let it go and move on or to rise above it. One way of moving in a good orderly direction into one’s growth is to always do the Knowledge before the Wisdom. What does that mean? It’s simple really b.u.t in the heat of the moment hard to do. Just think and find out the proper information on the conflict or situation, then use your judgment or discernment to act on it accordingly. This way we get a good Understanding. Wisdom is like water so always remain fluid and flexible. The enemy is most time with in me. Meaning my re-action to others, this is called defects of character, and that starts in the mind as thoughts, short comings is the physical or verbal outcome of the defect in one’s character. The battle is with self really. We need to stop putting the blame on others and cee the truth is us.
A lot of the times our way of life dictate how we act, this is due to the fact that a high percentage of us are blind to the truth of who we really are and when someone wants to tell us about ourselves we remain deaf. Not wanting to hear what others have to say. Dumb is just not being able to speak the truth because we don’t know how to, it no long is our language. Our culture has been robbed of us, my Culture is I-God, living according to the divine order of Mathematics. This is the key to unlock me. Find yours. To be victorious over the enemy is to find who we truly are, some people’s truth is devilishment, lying, cheating, stealing and mastering others whom they feel is weak. The truth is that we don’t have to remain the same as we are, we have a choice as soon as we can cee it. We need to stay aware of ourselves and others we allow to be around us, we may need to run these devils from amongst us, take everything from them as they did to us. Meaning don't feed them the energy they need, do not allow them to run our lives, NO MORE!! The Victory I Cee is with in me, when I don’t need to act like them and rise above their idea of who I need to be. Free dome is in the mind, to think as I want and do as I can, running these devil’s ideas from my root of civilization, my heart and live pure as I can…..
RuleSelf Allah
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