Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What is love?

Is peace Love. Is love a thought exchanged by two people or is it an illusion that we choose to seek out.
Why is it that we search all our live for love. Is it really obtainble or does it not need to be obtained. How does one find love. Is love a feeling or is it a emotion. What is it I ask, does anyone truly know what love is or isnt. How do you label love. Is it not that we put labels on that which we dont truely understand. Is love waking with someone you feel close to. I feel close to me, is that love. Is love really who and what we are in need of. Does one just want someone to say they love them to make them feel whole. Why should we want others to fill the hole. Love. Is love abcents of confusion or is that just peace. Is love when a man can read a womans thoughts and look deep into their eyes and cee who they are or are not. Is love when a woman can do the same. I love blind. Love does not have eyes, if not how does it know who to love. What is love. Is love simply sharing a deep conversation with a willing listener. Is love when one can cee the moon and smile becuase its all was been there. Is love when one feels the heat of the sun kissing their face. Is love knowing that even though they are so far from each other they are still to-get-her. Is love when a flower bends to reach for the sun. Why is it that when you dont look for love it seems to find you. If love is peace and abcents of confusion why does it still bring that. Is love just wishfull thinking. Is love even real. Is love respecting an others point of view or is that just understanding. Is love being able to look into someones root and innerstand their pain and joy. What is love. Is love these words I write in hopes of understanding it. What is love, can you tell me. What is Love....

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